Hello everyone, took me a while to get to it, but here’s my second email "back" haha. Today is Saturday June, 27, and it's been a busy week. Two weeks actually, since I wrote my last email. First and foremost, my reassignment came! I’m headed to Boston Massachusetts where I’ll have the opportunity to continue speaking Portuguese; Boston has a large group of Brazilian immigrants. My mission president is President Mavromatis from Recife Brazil. I’m so excited to have a Brazilian mission president even before I’m in Brazil, haha. I leave July 14th; just a couple weeks away.
“For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith. And whoso layeth down his life in my cause, for my name’s sake, shall find it again, even life eternal. Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy.” Doctrine and Covenants 98:12-14
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Monday, June 15, 2020
First Group Email!
Hello everyone! Today marks a week and a half "in" the MTC. You know, I always said I was gonna be bad at writing emails and no one believed me; they always said I would feel differently once I left. Well, they were both right and wrong, because I both have a lot I want to say and have no idea or incentive to say it, haha. Maybe it's because my entire family is here, and I can still see them frequently.
Today is easier though, because I can get away with giving a quick run down of what’s going on in the MTC/CTM. The way it works is we have a zoom call at 10:30-1:30 every day with Irmã Gabriella. In this call we learn a lot of basic Portuguese. It’s mainly review for me, but there are certain things that are new simply, because I learned more by talking when I was in Brazil rather than reading books. For example, I now know what ^ and ' do, haha.
From there we have a two hour break; this is when I do my companionship study. My companion’s name is Elder Bailey, a strapping young lad. He decided to go right after high school instead of waiting a year like me. He and I are getting along really well; helping each other with Portuguese and having hot seats where we ask each other questions to learn about one another. He for example, is an avid skier who loves all sports (especially basketball), hanging out with friends, and if he were to perfectly befriend any land animal it would be a cougar or a grizzly bear. You learn a lot about a person based on what animal they would have as a pet if they could. He’s a big hiker and camper, and I’m hoping we can meet up sometime and do something like that on P day. We only live 30 minutes apart, so that shouldn’t be too hard to do. From there we have another block from 3:00-6:00 with Irmão Santos. That lesson we practice a lot of Portuguese and have mock lessons with "Marcos" AKA Irmão Santos in a polo shirt.
My "classroom" |
From there we have a two hour break; this is when I do my companionship study. My companion’s name is Elder Bailey, a strapping young lad. He decided to go right after high school instead of waiting a year like me. He and I are getting along really well; helping each other with Portuguese and having hot seats where we ask each other questions to learn about one another. He for example, is an avid skier who loves all sports (especially basketball), hanging out with friends, and if he were to perfectly befriend any land animal it would be a cougar or a grizzly bear. You learn a lot about a person based on what animal they would have as a pet if they could. He’s a big hiker and camper, and I’m hoping we can meet up sometime and do something like that on P day. We only live 30 minutes apart, so that shouldn’t be too hard to do. From there we have another block from 3:00-6:00 with Irmão Santos. That lesson we practice a lot of Portuguese and have mock lessons with "Marcos" AKA Irmão Santos in a polo shirt.
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