Then there's the area. The missionaries have an AMAZING area. The members are SUPER excited for missionary work, the street contacts are super strong, and 6 of every 10 door approaches let you in. But at the same time they are opening the area, which is a huge responsibility. And it’s hard seeing the positive side when you're trying to start over again.
I don't blame Elder Me.. though, he's had a really hard time recently, and during the exchange we were able to set some meaningful goals on how to improve. We talked about Abraham sacrificing his son, and how he did that not to prove anything to the Lord, but to prove to himself that he had what it took to be obedient to the Lord; that because he trusted the Lord when it was hard, he was able to live the rest of his life having a much higher degree of inner peace. Then I compared it to the mission, and how we are not really here on the mission because God needs a bunch of 20 year old’s to do His work; He could easily do it Himself. But He wants us to learn what it’s like to be obedient, to trust in Him, to understand the principles of His gospel and how they can change lives. He wants us to willingly sacrifice everything so that when we get home we can live the rest of our lives knowing that during those 2 short years we gave it all, and when we were called we answered, we were strong enough. The missionaries who just go on the mission to go on a mission sacrificed 2 years, too. But when they get home, are they going to feel the same joy? Will they have the same depth of conversion? The short answer is no. Same thing with the guys in the middle, who go and work a little, keep the big rules, but then blow off the small ones. They are going to have some joy when they get home, but it’s not going to be the same joy. It may be harder to remain faithful and endure to the end. Then we compare it to this life. In this life we pass through a lot of hardships, and we have a lot of responsibilities. But at the end of the day, it’s not about how much we did, it’s about how much we gave to God, how much we loved Him and put Him first in our lives. If we tried our best in this life, even though we had a lot of hardships, we can live for all eternity in peace. But the people who went down to earth, but made no effort to keep the commandments, to give their heart to God. Well, they will receive happiness, but when they reflect on their life, what they learned from it, and what they became, are they going to feel the same joy as the people who loved God with all their heart, who gave everything for their families and friends? No, they aren't. And the people who coasted by life, and kept the big commandments but ignored the little ones, or gave 60%, they will have a lot of happiness, but will they have the same comfort and joy looking back on their accomplishments? No. God loves us, and He wants to us to be happy, but He can't/won’t make us happy. He can only teach us how to be happy. He can only put us in the circumstances where we have the opportunity to prove to ourselves that we're strong, resilient, and that we love God more than ourselves.
I know this is a lot, but I will finish up with this example. I asked Elder Me.. if he's ever run a race, a really long one, and asked him how it felt taking his socks off at the end. He said it felt good, and I asked him if it felt the same when he put socks on, walked to the other side of the room and came back to take them off, and he said no. It's a grimy example, but it’s pretty effective, ha-ha. It all comes down to whether or not you believe God in D&C 121:
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.
I've always disliked sharing that scripture, because it’s overshared, ha-ha. But there's a reason for that. I went through and read it after this conversation and found a lot of cool stuff I'd never noticed before. It’s definitely worth the read if you have free time, assuming anyone other than my mom reads this essay. This was like a two-hour-long talk, and at the end of it we found an agreement, and I hope he's going to apply it a little bit and that it helps.
Everyone at the office has covid, so we went straight to our next division which is too bad. I love sleeping in my own bed. Air mattresses aren’t my favorite. But it’s all good. We played spike ball this morning and hearts during lunch ha-ha. I miss playing games. But I'll take my socks off two years from now, for now it’s just put on your shoes, and get out the door.
Talk to you next week, love you guys