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My mom thinks I can't cook anything except taquitos, but check out this feast! |
My mission home is fantastic. We are actually, I think, the first pair to spend a transfer in it as it was opened just before Corona and immediately closed. Elder Bodily and his old companion had been here for two weeks after they opened it again when I showed up and kicked Elder Neilson out.
Now as far as what our day looks like. We get up and get ready between 6:30 to 7:00. During this time we shower, eat breakfast etc. Next, we plan out our day and spend the next 3-4 hours doing personal study, companion study, and language study. From there we spend some time finding friends on facebook to talk to about the gospel and see if anyones interested in hearing our message, as well as making phone calls to people who have been referred to us or members in our area. We have lunch and do more of the same; then we have time to eat and exercise. Through out the evening we try to schedule people to talk to. We've started teaching four new people this week. From there, we get ready for bed around 9:30 and are in bed by 10:30.
The people in this area are great; I'd love to get to know them, haha. But unfortunately, because of Corona, Elder Bodily and I are confined to our apartment most of the day. But the limited interaction we've had has been amazing. There are so many Brazilians living here in Boston as well as other people from all over South America. Of the people we've started teaching, one of them is Pedro. He was preparing for baptism when Corona hit, so now we are just helping him to review and prepare etc. When we called him, it was awesome because when he saw it was the missionaries his face lit up, and he got so excited. He truly is an awesome guy and has such a strong testimony that the feelings he has received have come from God. The other person who had already received some lessons was a woman named Deborah. She had lessons with the missionaries a year ago, and she remembers how kind they were. We are so eager to teach her family. Her family is so tender, and it's going to be a pleasure getting to know them better. The other two people we've started teaching are Wagner and Adeir. Elder Bodily and I came into contact with them over Facebook; we are excited to get to know them as well and share with them our message.
I have seen so many blessing and miracles already, and I've only been here a week. One specific instance stands out. As you can imagine, we come into contact with a lot of people over facebook, and we want to give everyone the opportunity to hear. But a lot of the times you are having a great conversation and someone says they want to hear more, then the second you ask if you can call them sometime they start ignoring you. This is extremely frustrating and disheartening, especially because it can make you feel like you are doing something wrong. So, when one guy responded to my message, I said a prayer, "Help me know what to say so that I can communicate with this person. Help me to know if he's ready for this message, and if he is let me know what I should do to help him receive it." And after that I responded and had a super meaningful conversation, and had probably the most success I've had so far in terms of talking. He said he wanted to know more, and we set a date for a lesson. Seconds after I finished sending that message, we had our first lesson with Wagner planned. Elder Bodily and I both hadn't been sure he would answer. But we called, and he did while I was hyped up on the Spirit. We had a lesson about the restoration, and he was active and attentive. That experience taught me the lesson that if we rely on the Lord, He will help us to find the success we need in our lives. If I can learn to rely on the Lord, then maybe one day every hour of every day of my mission can look like that.
Now about the first guy: I had a very spiritual experience, but I never had the confirmation I had asked for about whether he was prepared for this message. And the next morning, I found that I had been blocked out of the blue by him. I was mainly confused about how someone who has seemed so open and interested in the gospel could have a change of heart so quickly. But, I also know that I will continue to have opportunities on my mission to get to know hundreds of people.
There were lots of little miracles like that; coming into contact with a member after Elder Bodily had been calling for weeks; receiving a confirmation that the things we are teaching are true; having people reach out to us to learn more. All these little miracles are the ones that God works by. The "big" miracles we read about in the Bible and Book of Mormon are great, but they also don't leave much room for improvement. Jesus Christ is doing all the work. In my personal studies, I came across 3 Nephi 18: 37-39. Jesus has just come among the people and revealed who He was, and He revealed His Gospel and let the people touch His hands and feet. Then moments after this, a cloud of darkness goes over them so none but His chosen apostles can see Him. Then He ascended to heaven before them. Here we see that this people got to see and touch Jesus and receive that testament for themselves. And only seconds later, Jesus tried their faith by forcing them to rely on the account of His apostles. Then again in chapter 26:11, He is teaching many things to Nephi, who in turn moves to write them down, "but the Lord forbade it, saying: 'I will try the faith of my people.'" We see that God gives trials and tests of faith not only to strengthen the people's faith, but also to teach them to rely on His servants. We must all remember that we have so many resources at our disposal, bishops and local leaders, the teachings of modern prophets and apostles. If we are feeling inadequate or lonely, we can always go to those who have been set apart by the Lord to help us. So, always remember that the Lord loves you, and that He consecrated your trials for your benefit. So "doubt not because yes see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." Ether 12:6
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Elder Bodily broke my stress ball filled with flour. |
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Our district! |
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