Sunday, July 5, 2020

Only a week and half left!

My sleeping arrangements at my sister's
This week has been pretty crazy haha. My parents have been traveling so I decided to stay with Jessica and Tyson. So, Monday was in Bountiful; Tuesday was in Farmington; Wednesday I realized I left my contacts in Bountiful and went back up and spent the day then came back; Thursday I left early in the morning to wait in Bountiful to sign for a package that ended up just getting dropped off; Friday back in Farmington; and Saturday loading a trailer up and going back to Bountiful. Kind of Crazy, haha. 

That’s not the only thing though haha.  Elder Bailey and I were planning on hanging out on Wednesday I believe, and then he sent me a text the night before saying he had stomach pain and went to the urgent care and his appendix was twice its normal size. He ended up getting it removed that night; he’s fine now but that’s also pretty exciting haha. 

Classes have been going really great, and Elder Bailey and I had our last TRC with Nathan. It was a lot of fun, and he agreed to  "be baptized". I really enjoyed talking to him, and I’m gonna miss it. Now we switched to a different TRC system where instead of scheduling meetings with people, Mondays and Fridays before class everyone goes to a Zoom room, and we each have 15-20 minutes to teach a lesson. 

This is gonna be a shorter email this week, mainly just because so much has happened that it all blends itself out. One thing I have been grateful this week is the opportunity to end each day with the Book of Mormon. It truly is the best way to refocus and prepare for bed, and it's truly night and day between how I feel about my day with and without scripture study. The scriptures are here to bless our lives, but we have to be willing to use them.
These last two pictures need some explaining. I’ve been waking up every morning and spending an hour or two on Jessica and Tyson’s little cement patio outside. It needs to be removed so that they can install a sidewalk. The first day was about 2 hours using a little jackhammer to remove all the edges and start on the corners. The second day I just got started on the first corner. But that Jackhammer was just not made for this type of work, so progress was real slow. Finally, when I went up to Bountiful one morning, Tyson had fixed his sledge hammer, and when he realized how badly the jackhammer worked he switched to that. In the 15 minutes he worked on it, he did about as much as I had in 3-4 hours haha. Then I spent almost an hour and wow…. It's a lot more tiring but sooooo much better. so…
This is what I was able to do with the Jackhammer

Aaaaaaand this is just with a sludge hammer and a pickax. Got the entire top edge off by about a foot and came in about half way through the first block. 

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