Monday, January 11, 2021

Last Week as a Trio


Here's the funny story of the day: my entire mission I've never actually had anyone go to church with me. That sounds crazy, but it's just the way it's gone with Covid restrictions. This week, I finally found someone interested and a slot available at the same time! She even sent me her address, so that we could organize a ride for her! We called to confirm for our lesson, and she let us know that she got Covid and wouldn't be able to anymore. Next week! We actually had 5 lessons planned this afternoon which is a pretty busy day. In total this week, we found 6 new people to teach! That's exciting. We also had to go pick up Elder Hoopes' passport from some elders in Massachusetts; we decided to meet them half way. We were waiting for about 3 hours before the other elders got there! They said they were a little late out the door, lol. At least we can get work done from our phone.

Another great day. We missed our dinner time because of lessons and had a super busy night. So we made a big feast at 9:00 with smashed potatoes, rice, chicken, and pop tarts. Then that night in our ward coordination, we were feasting throughout. Today I also had some of my favorite lessons so far. We met a girl named Joseydi and talked to her about the plan of salvation. She's 25 and studying in university right now, so it was super cool for us to talk to someone close to our age we can relate to a little better. 

Pretty straightforward, I did my weekly planning mostly by myself, because the other elders and I cover different areas, but it was still a ton of fun. I'm just excited to get back home, so I can use our whiteboard. It makes planning so much easier.

I went to district council with the other elders' district today. We got caught recording a video afterwards, so we were pretty late. It was ok though, because our lesson got cancelled. We got wings on the way home. We were about 40 minutes down the road when we decided to stop for gas and got a phone call from the wing place asking if "a Jacob" had left his credit card. The only reason they even had our number was because Elder Kelly called them to ask, "if their wings were good." 

Today we had district council for my district. I gave a talk on how to bear bold and personal testimonies. We also played a game where you have to ask questions going back and forth; if you ask a yes or no question or repeat a question, you're out. We finished with a harmonica recital from Elder Parrish and went home. We are feeling spendy this week, because we went to another restaurant. I ended the day by having a lesson with one of my favorite people, Nancy. We talked about family history and Bible stories, then at the end shared a message about the importance of families

My last time at the other elders' ward (congregation). I love this ward so much, and it's a shame to leave. I especially like that there are kids to play with and have dance parties. I scheduled 3 lessons and the other elders had 1. All of mine fell through, but at least we got to talk to the guy they just recently baptized. 

P-dayyyyy! We went to a diner for breakfast, another diner for lunch, went bowling with our district, went to target to get speakers and shirts, then ordered wings when we got home. 

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