It's crazy how fast time has been flying. It's funny because the days go by super slow, but the weeks go by super fast. I'm sure part of that is do to the mundanity of quarantine living, but hopefully that'll calm down in the future.
So starting off we had a mission wide meeting talking about the possibility of integrating select instagram profiles into our missionary network. This is in the beginning stages. It's promising, but I'm not too excited considering that one of the main things I was looking forward to on my mission was taking a break from social media, haha. But then again, I'm already on facebook. Next, we did our daily stuff and ended with a lesson with a different woman named Deborah F. She is really sweet and awesome, but she's having a really hard time right now. It feels lame, because I want to help her situation out, but there's nothing I can do. Luckily, the gospel of Jesus Christ benefits and blesses individuals and families, and I know she would benefit from being friends with people in the ward, so that's our focus right now.
So nothing too crazy here except when Elder Bodily and I were Facebook Finding on Monday, we came across an ad for a free Book of Mormon, haha. When we clicked on it in the same grouping was a guy on facebook selling pictures of his feet as a joke. This is all well and done, except now I have a bunch of ads on facebook either asking if I want to "buy" a Book of Mormon and then I keep getting a bunch of feet picture ads, haha. Oh well. They got that I wasn't interested after Wednesday. After that, we had an AWESOME lesson with David, the guy I talked to last week from Angola. Sadly, we found out during the lesson he lives pretty far outside of our area, so we are going to introduce him to some other elders in his area.
Thursday was a big day, because so far all the people I had found on Facebook had either been uninterested or outside of our area, haha. But there was this guy named Augosto who kept scheduling with us and not picking up, which is something pretty common when people aren't interested but don't want to say no. So after three times of this happening, we decided that if he didn't answer again we would tell him we would call back in a couple of months where hopefully he could be a little less busy. But FINALLY, he picked up! And what followed was the best lesson about the restoration we've had on my mission. After that, we went downstairs and dug up some dirt from a pothole for Elder Bodily's potato plant which stressed him out a lot, because he was worried about getting in trouble. Then we taught an English class. About 4 minutes after the English lesson, got a very insistent call from a return missionary who knew the people we were teaching from his Mission. He called and explained to us exactly what we were to do, and how to do it in order to invite them to come into Christ, haha. It was an interesting call.
Picture to the left: If I had to sum up the quarantine mission experience in 1 picture this would be it.
Friday we finally had district council in person which was AWESOME. It was so cool meeting everyone. Two sisters in our district, Sister Lawler and Sister Howard, made everyone muffins. They're really great, kept giving us treats and stuff. We're gonna have to make cookies or something to return the favor. Next, we made some phone calls to members in our area. Elder Bodily and I have a game we play while the phone's ringing. We roll five dice, a 1 is worth 100 and a 5 is worth 50, plus a bunch of other weird combinations for points. It's first to 10,000 points, but if you roll and don't get a 1 or a 5 you lose all the points you would have earned that turn. For some reason I seem to be luckier than him and kept rolling really good combos. I offered to go for him, and he was like no. So I asked one more time, and he said no again. I responded ok, so just to be clear you don't want this roll to be for you. Then rolled the dice and lo and behold got 12345, which is the highest point combination for 2500 points. But then I wouldn't let him take it, because he insisted on my roll not counting haha.
We started the day by dropping a Book of Mormon off at Augosto's house and came home to clean up our facebook finding records. Then we had a facebook live event with Alex Boyé, and simply put IT WAS AWESOME!!! He is so cool and so much fun to be around. He talked about his conversion story and some lessons he learned growing up homeless, as well as his experiences on American Idol. It was an amazing event. We finished the day off with some phone calls, which also means dice rolling. I made it to 9950 points and Elder Bodily was rolling with 3000 points. He rolled 3 5s which is a decent roll with 500 and was like "oh ya! Boom got it!" And I was like "niiiiice 500, to put that into perspective though, you need to get 7000 this turn in order to win." And we both just died of laughter. Typing it now doesn't seem so funny, but I think we both get a little hysterical at the end of the day haha.
Nothing too much to talk about here other than that we finally went to church in person; met the Bishop; met some people in our ward; and I was able to bear my Testimony. It was great! I'm looking forward to the days where I can go to a new ward and meet everyone and shake their hands, without saying hello through a mask at the very least.
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