Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Like my second week or something?

Ok another pretty standard week, but I've come to the conclusion I'm gonna either be a master chef or a mad scientist after this, because Elder Bodily and I are fiends in the kitchen. Anyways...

Tuesday was a day of random lessons. Deborah N loves learning but has a hard schedule so she kind of just calls us whenever haha. Then after that we had a random lesson with a guy named Campos. Both lessons went really well, I definitely enjoy improving and searching the scriptures to ask questions than I do teaching a lesson with specific points to cover. After that, we had a great lesson with Pedro M talking about the commandments, and he really understood. Finally, we got a call from our ministers asking if we wanted one of their extra pans. Elder Bodily asked if they have any pans with like "really high walls to keep oil and stuff in" to which I commented "that's called a pot."  

Wednesday we finally had zone conference, and it was so cool seeing everyone in person. It was a big success, and I enjoyed myself. It was weird seeing President Mavromatis in person though, haha. After that, we had our beginners English class, to which no one showed up, and I may or may not have lost my patience haha. Just because we had 3 people kind of say they were desperate to learn English, and we spent a week deciding on a time, sent like 7 confirmation texts and everything then when the time finally came the guy who wanted the classes the most said, "I'm working right now I can't go," and his wife says, "He works on Wednesdays; can we switch to Tuesdays?"  Oh well, she actually ended up joining later on and we talked to her for 15 minutes and she's really nice. We have another lesson on Tuesday. After that Elder Bodily and I made a little video to send to the EFY in Brazil to show them what missionaries do during the quarantine. 

We had weekly planning on Thursday, still a lot to do to prepare this area for the the next missionaries and progress is slow because of the virus, but at least there's plenty to do. Pedro O hasn't been able to meet with us to prepare for baptism, so we talked to him about changing his date, and he still has yet to get back to us. 

We started the day with a long voice call lesson with Augost that went GREAT. Elder Bodily ended up talking for most of the time this particular lesson, and Augost kept saying "Oh I agree, Jeffrey," and "Thanks Jeffrey" etc. That cracked me up a bit haha. It's weird having someone refer to me by my first name, but he met us through Facebook so that's why. Next, we invited Deborah N to church to which she was excited. She's awesome, does all the work and wants to get an answer. From there, we had another in person district council, for which Elder Bodily and I made some banging cookies. Next Elder Bodily finally had our first argument, I'm surprised it took 3 weeks haha. It was on whether or not reading out loud in Portuguese helps your accent. Finally we had one more lesson, we called and he declined. His message explaining why said (translated) "I'm in the bathroom, call me in an hour." Which made Elder Bodily and I question what he ate that put him out of commission for the next hour haha. 

We had another 4 hour trip to find a place to do our car's state inspection, but each place once we got there said, "we don't do it here, but they do it at..." we came home empty handed. I've seen the worst driving in the past week of my entire life, which is saying something consider I see myself every time I drive. Anyways, from there we came home and got our master chef on making fried rice and had some lessons.

Sunday Funday
The day of the Lord! We did the normal stuff, taught sunday school, had some lessons aaaaaaaaaand after only 3 weeks in the field, I finally had a member meeting go through! We met someone named Sister Vilme, who was so sweet and such a blast to talk to. It makes me excited for the end of the quarantine where I can hopefully meet the members and get to know them a lot better. 

1. A meme me and Elder Bod squad made, that you wont understand fully unless you have been in meme culture for the past 3 or so years. 
3. The fried rice me and Bod Squad made  
2. The mess afterwards

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