That's right, no intro. Tuesday started off with another 3 hour trip to get our cars safety check. Finally, we found a place that did them!!! Then they only took two hours to tell us we had to replace three of our tires, and we have to come back again to get that done. Great. Anyways after that we took care of English lessons, and Elder Bodily cut my hair for me.
Woke up and took a shower only to then promptly have our water shut off; good start to the day! Buuuut, the sisters came to deliver a whiteboard we ordered a couple weeks ago which was awesome. Plus we got to meet the new sister in our area, and wait for it, she's brand new out of training!!! Which means I finally know someone on the mission whose newer than me. Anyways, Elder Bodily and I got straight to using the whiteboard to organize our thoughts and set some goals.
Daily planning day! The whiteboard actually made a big difference, and we were able to set goals for ourselves and people, create plans for service, and figure out the best ways to help our area. I had to find my notebook to copy some names down and asked Elder Bodily, "Where is my 'livrinho(little book)" to which he responded, "It's 'my', not meu." We got a crack out of the fact that in his head he ignored that everything else was in English and corrected specifically that little two letter word "my." After that he made feijoada for us, which is a Brazilian food made of beans rice, and pork. It was definitely a success, but he accidentally made enough for the next two weeks. So we aren't worried about starving any time soon.
This is the day we had to clean of the mess in the kitchen however, which was no easy task. He was in the kitchen when I asked him if he wanted to clean with me before we did our daily planning. He responded by saying he already did, too which I pointed behind him to the mountain of dishes in the sink black from the massive amount of beans. "Oh that." Once we did that, we got set to writing letters to the members in our area we were unable to contact and spent the day delivering them and making contacts in our area.
TODAYS THE DAY WE FINALLY FINISH THE CAR!!!!! Just kidding... we got there after a mere hour of driving and asked if he could take care of the tires. This upset him. He responded, "It's 3:00; we close on two hours. Leave your car here, and you can come back tomorrow." I was too intimidated to point at that it was actually 2:13, and we didn't have plans on sleeping outside, so I guess it's a problem for another day.... still. We've spent more time trying to get our car figured out since we got moved to this area than we have in lessons with members, haha. Anyways, after that we had a Facebook live event called 'Walk in the Light' with artist Brother Sweat. This was awesome. It was so nice to see how personal his relationship with the Savior is, and how he reflected that in his art. I'd challenge everyone reading this to evaluate their relationship with the Savior, and ask how they can use their talents to share that relationship.
A lot of church meetings and coordination for the next week. Then we set about calling members to see if we could help them. We were able to contact one sister who has been inactive for quite some time. She was excited to mark a date to talk to us and wanted to know if church was starting again. I'm so excited to be able to get to know the people in this area better. It's hard because of the virus, but it's our job to do the best we can and let God fill the gap between what we are able to do and what we need to accomplish.
Normally, I don't talk about Mondays, but today has been fun. We did our normal stuff, cleaning and shopping, and then I decided to make a beef Wellington. It's in the oven now cooking, and we are EXCITED. We started this at 6, but along the way realized we didn't have enough ham, so we quickly went to the store to buy some more before we let it sit too long. A lot of sets back later, and at 9:00 we are ready to take it out of the oven. But when I go to get it, it's still doughy and uncooked... why? Is our oven broken? That's when I realized, and I turned to Elder Bodily. He asked why it was still raw. I just said, "There's something the USA does, that no other country does. This recipe comes from Gordan Ramsey..." he sat there for a second, then when he realized just said, dang. So I asked him what 200 degrees celcius was in Fahrenheit, and turned the oven up from 200 to 425. Oops.
1-4: your boy is a chef 5 we brought 100 dollars of grocers up with only one bag in one trip.
6 haircut without a barber
7 Elder Bodilys "clean kitchen"
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